
Nostalgia Logo Nostalgia

The classic shape that started it all.  The NOSTALGIA is our version of an old standard.  A 2 seat buggy with room for a jump seat or storage.  The NOSTALGIA body mounts on an 80″ wheelbase chassis.  The body comes standard with the hood fitted and mounted.  Molded in fiberglass with a durable “gel coat” finish, the NOSTALGIA needs no painting.  Choose from a large variety of “standard” colors or for an additional charge add some sparkle with a “metal flake” finish.

The NOSTALGIA can be mounted on a 14 1/2″ shortened, VW beetle, floor pan, but, we suggest you purchase our jig built, square tube, NOSTALGIA frame.  Our frame is built with new steel, and makes your build much easier, with a stronger frame, yet still uses standard VW Type-1 components.

NOSTALGIA body, standard colors, order pn. C058-BB307 (specify color) –

NOSTALGIA body, metal flake colors, order pn. C058-BB308  (specify color)

There are a variety of options available for the NOSTALGIA body.  Check out the options page for more info.

Carolina Dune Buggies offers everything you need to build a complete buggy. Check our store to view available choices.

In Store Pickup at Carolina Dune Buggies
*Note: This saves you approx. $1000 on packing & shipping from the factory

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